


This team organizes special activities for our church. From fellowships to fall festivals, Bellview offers continual fellowship activities and outreach activities. If you like to plan details and organize events, this ministry is for you!

Bereavement Team

We have an awesome group that serves people in life’s most difficult times. We have a care box that is delivered to families shortly after a loss as well as serves a meal after the funeral and ministers to the family during that time.

Brotherhood Team

Once a month the men of our church have breakfast together with a devotional, time of prayer, and fellowship. If projects need to be done for shut-ins, this team cares well for their needs.

Buildings and Grounds

The Lord has blessed us with a number of buildings to meet and minister in. We strive to maintain well the facilities that God has entrusted to us. From time to time there are projects of upkeep that need to be addressed, this team serves in a faithful way the house of the Lord.

C.A.R.E. Team

Every Tuesday we have a team that prays, writes cards, and visits our shut-ins and guests. Our deacons lead in this ministry, it is a wonderful way to encourage and evangelize our community. 

Celebrate Recovery Team

This CR meets weekly and is a biblical support group for anyone with habits, hang-ups or addictions. Many people have hurt and deep brokenness inside their outward smiles. This team helps heal you from the inside out from the Word of God.

Cemetery Team

We are blessed to care for our church membership by offering a final physical resting place. We know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and we await a resurrection day. This team cares for the details in the process of preparation and organization of our church cemetery. 

Choir Ministry

Praise the Lord for those who have been gifted musically. We LOVE our choir! If you enjoy singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, we have a place for you to serve.

Children’s Activities

We love children at Bellview! God has blessed us with an amazing children’s building, volunteers, and programs that will keep your child busy learning and growing in Jesus. Every Sunday Morning we have children’s church at 11am as well as an evening service for them too. Read More


4k-6th grade

Children's Choir meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday night of each month at 5:15pm. All children who are in 4k - 6th grade are encouraged to participate. We sing monthly in the services, performing special songs for holidays such as Mother's Day and Father's Day as well as producing a Spring and Christmas Program. To encourage fellowship and thank the children for their hard work, we will have special parties and craft nights throughout the year.

College Bound Team

This team cares for our college students as they prepare to go to college and while they are at college. Writing cards and sending a note of encouragement from home is so helpful to get through these stressful days. 

Finance Team

This team oversees the financial contributions of the members of Bellview. We desire to be good stewards of God’s resources. 

Greeter Team

We desire for all people to experience the love of Christ at Bellview. From the initial welcome to the last amen in a service, our heartfelt prayer is that each person is welcomed and the Lord works in their life. 

Grief Team

This team ministers to Church family members as well as community residents before, during, and after the passing of a loved one. This is a critical ministry comforting the hurting and guiding those searching.

Homebound/Shut-in Team

We want to see people finish strong the race that God has for them. Many senior adults would like to be at church but simply are unable to attend physically. This team keeps our homebound cared for, informed, and loved. 

Hospitality Team

We have many fellowships throughout the year. This team members roll up their sleeves and cook, serve, and clean up after our fellowships. It is a wonderful ministry that requires no talent but a big servant’s heart for the Lord.

Missions Team

Bellview is a mission-minded church. Over ten percent of all offerings given go directly to missions. We strive every year to take a foreign mission trip as well as a North American Mission trip. This team organizes and follows through with all the details associated with taking a mission trip. This is a wonderful way to grow spiritually. 

Multi-media Team

This ministry is vitally important, we use audio/video/PowerPoint for every service at Bellview. This ministry enriches our worship services and overall worship experience.


New To Bellview Team

If God leads you to join Bellview, what is next after you become a member? Our team wants to be sure that all new members know everything there is to know about Bellview. Once a quarter we have a New to Bellview dinner for new members from the last quarter. We invite you and your family to join us for a delicious dinner while we go over the different ministries and things you can do and/or help with as a member of Bellview. You are given a packet with so much informative information, and we also like to give you a little welcome gift that we hope you will enjoy using. 

Nursery Team

We praise the Lord for all our precious babies at Bellview! We have a loving caring trained team that works with our babies to give mom and dad an opportunity to enjoy worshipping the Lord care free of child care. 

Offertory Team

This team assists in the collection of our offerings on Sunday mornings and evenings. 

Ordinance Team

We believe the Word of God teaches there are two ordinances for the church. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. This team assists in serving the church in preparation for Baptism and the elements for the Lord’s table.


Outreach Team

This team works especially hard at reaching people in the community that are unchurched or unreached for Christ. We have a number of events throughout the year where we have a presence inviting and encouraging folks. We do local mission projects from laundry units to helping with the Crisis Center. This is a ministry that requires compassion and a real desire to help people come to Christ. 

Prayer Team

It has been said, that a Praying Church is a church that believes in the Power of Prayer and that the Church is God’s agency on earth that demonstrates His love, wisdom, and Power to the world! Our goal here at Bellview is to be that kind of church that employs Prayer to make the preached word effective, allowing the presence of the Holy Spirit in fulfilling God’s redemptive plan. Therefore, when saints unite in Prayer, the Power is awesome and the effect is unimaginable, therefore making the Church a formidable force that the adversary cannot subdue! Without Prayer, the Church stands powerless, bewildered, and ineffective! Please join us here at Bellview, to be a body of praying believers, who pray not only individually, but corporately as a Church! 

Silver Bells Team

This is our Senior Adults group, known as The Silver Bells, is very active in Church programs, social events, and serving others in the community. They are also a source of prayer, support, encouragement, and friendship to all.

Singles Team

We have an active group of single adults both young and old. This group meets monthly for a fellowship meal and participates in activities together. 

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is the largest organization within our church. We have classes for every age. This is a time to build meaningful friendships that will help you do everyday life. We have many opportunities for you to serve the Lord through our small groups. 

Transportation Team

The Bellview Van Ministry is there to provide transportation to the community and members of the church, whether it be to bring those that can’t find transportation to church and church events or to provide transportation for the numerous outings and fellowship events for church groups. We have many drivers that can be of assistance for your outings and a rotation of drivers for services. If you would like to reserve a van or bus for a church outing or if you need transportation for church services, please contact Ben Irwin or Andy Howard. 

Vacation Bible School Team

At Bellview we love kids! We have the best VBS in Laurens County because we want our kids to love Jesus, love the Church, and love being a part of the church. Though this is a one-week-long event, we plan for VBS for about 6 months. There is a place for you to serve in VBS. 

Women’s Ministry

Building meaningful friendships that last a lifetime is what takes place during woman’s ministry. Our ladies enjoy not just activities like paint night, and ladies night out, but also book studies that assist in a deeper walk with the Lord. 

Youth Ministry

We have an amazing active youth ministry here at Bellview. Our young people meet every Sunday night for worship and message in our youth center called “The View”; as well as every Wednesday night they have a time of fellowship and challenge from God’s Word. Our youth pastor is a seasoned man of God that loves teens, we have amazing youth sponsors that assist our young people and their families as well. Our teens enjoy monthly activities, summer camps, and a beach trip annually. 

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